What Procedures Should You Try to Replace Missing Teeth?

replace missing teeth

A missing tooth can be a deterrent to facial aesthetics. It is an issue that can happen due to multiple reasons, like injury, severe tooth decay, trauma and genetic conditions. If not treated for a long time, the missing tooth can become the root cause for so many problems. It can have a negative impact on your teeth alignment and affect your oral health.

Following a Proper Procedure is Important:

In order to prevent the loss of a tooth, you must follow proper dental treatment. You must collaborate with qualified Milford dentists with years of experience treating these problems with care. They can provide you with the right kind of solution according to the extent of damage and your requirements.

How to Effectively Replace Your Missing Tooth?

You can replace missing teeth with a few effective procedures. We discuss some in the following section of the blog.

Partial Dentures: It is one of the simplest solutions to tackle a missing tooth. It is similar to dental implants, which can accommodate additional teeth to protect them from damage in the future. Partial dentures are a good option for those with more than one missing tooth. Though these are clasped into the most appropriate spot, you can always visit the dentist for emergency removal.

Tooth-Supported Bridge: Here, the bridge uses the existing support of the existing teeth. It supports a proper placement of the installation, where you do not need multiple implants. The implant provides a natural look and fulfils the absence of teeth from your dental setting. You will find it a much more economical option when you compare it with regular dental implants. You only need to visit your dentist a few times to complete the procedure.

Dental Implants: This is the most common method of replacing a missing tooth. People trust this process for its high reliability and efficient success rate. An implant mimics the look and feel of an actual tooth and acts as a permanent solution. However, the process of placing the implant can be a bit lengthy. The root of the damaged tooth must be removed, which will act as the anchor for the implant. Once the screws are placed, you must allow the implants to heal for some time. After the implant has healed, the dentist will place a crown on top of it.

Implant-Supported Bridge: If you are missing multiple teeth in a row, an implant-supported bridge may be the correct solution for you. It saves you from the lengthy process of a regular dental implant. In this process, the teeth at the two ends are secured with the implants. This makes the process much more effective than a regular implant.

These are a few procedures that can help you replace missing teeth efficiently. For better treatment, you need the help of a reliable Milford dentist. Communicate with Guildford Smiles, one of the most well-known dental practices. Our dentists are known for providing the right dental treatment for a wide range of customers. For more information, you can visit our website today.

Why Do Dentists Suggest To Opt For White Filling Treatments?

white filling treatments

A dentist might suggest you opt for a white filling treatment if you’re diagnosed with cavities in your teeth. Cavities generally occur when plaque and tartar build-up with time on teeth. With the advancement of technology, white fillings have gained immense popularity among dentists in Aldershot. They are generally preferred by all over the traditional fillings as they give a subtle look to the teeth.

As the name goes, a white filling is white in colour and matches the teeth’ natural shade. Hence you can easily opt for this treatment and smile confidently without anyone knowing about your dental issues.

Are you thinking of getting white fillings? Here is a list of benefits that can help you decide if it is right for you.

What are the Benefits of Opting for White Filling Treatment?

It helps to Maintain the Aesthetics

This is the most obvious reason why everyone loves a white filling. They resemble the enamel of the teeth, and hence once the filling is done, they generally blend with the natural colours of teeth. No one will notice the change in your teeth unless you inform them. You can smile confidently and also look beautiful.

Helps to Camouflage Dental Issues

With the help of white fillings, you can easily hide the spots and the decayed part of your teeth. For instance, if you have a minor decay, the dentist will suggest a white filling instead of any other treatment. Again, if there’s a minor flaw in any dental treatment you’ve undergone, opting for a dental white filling can help you easily hide the damage.

No Dietary Restrictions

Dentists generally advise avoiding sugary, sticky and hard foods after undergoing amalgam fillings for more than 24 hours. However, with a white filling, this is not the case. You can eat everything as soon as the treatment is completed. Dentists generally use UV rays to fix the resin on the affected teeth area, so the chance of getting damaged due to food is minimised.

No Tooth Structure Removal Required

White fillings are a non-invasive process. They bond excellently with the existing structure of the tooth. On the contrary, a dentist must cut down the tooth structures and remove one or more teeth for large amalgam fillings. However, this is not the case with white fillings. They are easily adjustable and don’t require any tooth or structure removal.

For white fillings, contact Guildford Smiles. We have a team of cosmetic dentists in Aldershot who can help you with teeth fillings. To know more, check our website.

Five Major Benefits of Dental Prosthetics

benefits of dental prosthetics

Over the past few years, prosthetics use has significantly increased. Today, missing teeth are a common thing in a lot of adults. This is one of the factors contributing to the rise in prosthesis usage. Prosthetics are made in a lab uniquely for each patient and include things like bridges, crowns, and fake teeth. Because of modern technology, prosthetic treatment can provide patients with a wide range of prosthesis choices to help cover the gap of a missing tooth. They can provide patients with solutions that weren’t available even just a few years ago and tailor them to their unique demands. Visit us, a professional dentist in Godalming for prosthetic dentistry. We will check the condition of your missing tooth and provide you with perfect customised solutions.

What are the Benefits of Dental Prosthetics?

Reduction in Bone Loss

Oral bone deterioration occurs from tooth loss. It occurs more frequently when a tooth is lost and is not replaced. Due to the reduced chewing pressure from dentures, bone loss does not occur. With prosthetic teeth, the missing tooth is replaced with a piece that supports the jawbone and puts pressure on it as you eat. This significantly reduces oral bone loss.

Improved Self-Confidence

With prosthetics, you can improve your life and oral health. Prosthetics are equivalent to natural teeth in terms of aesthetics and functionality. The confidence you might have lost due to a damaged or missing tooth is restored easily with the prosthetic tooth. You will feel more confident and comfortable and will have less body to maintain oral hygiene.

Improved Oral Rehabilitation and Maintenance

Advanced technology, including 3D imaging, nanotechnology, and microscopic versions, are used during prosthetic treatment. Hence you will get the best oral treatment if you opt for prosthetic teeth. On the contrary, traditional dental operations do not involve state of art technologies. You may not get the desired long-lasting result from a traditional process.

It helps with Partial Dentures

If you have partial dangers on your teeth, there might be risks, including cavity pain, occurrences of dental cavities and loss of gums over time. On the other hand, dental prosthetics reduce the risk associated with different types of partial dentures. It is the responsibility of the prosthetic tooth to support the partial denture. If you have a prosthetic tooth beside a partial denture, it will support the jaw bone and keep the dentures from getting damaged.

Aesthetically Popular

Prosthetic teeth are very similar to real teeth and you can hardly notice the difference. As per dentists, with prosthetic teeth in place, patients can get a beautiful smile similar to a real smile. Moreover, the prosthetic enamel is hard and white in texture which makes the smile more beautiful.

For the best prosthetic treatment, book your appointment at Guildford Smiles. We have a team of dentists in Godalming who can help you with proper prosthetic treatments.

To know more visit our website.

Should You Go For Tooth Extraction or Root Canal – Which is a Healthier Alternative?

root canal

Are you experiencing a painful toothache? What is the emergency solution? Many people feel a cavity-infected tooth must be extracted immediately. However, advanced techniques have made getting rid of tooth pain easier. A simple root canal can also be effective if the cavity has not damaged your gum. A root canal is a more time-consuming technique. However, Woking dentists always suggest opting for a root canal treatment rather than a tooth extraction process. Having a tooth extraction will cause you to have a missing tooth. Which is a better option for you? Read on and learn the advantages of both options.

When should a Tooth be Extracted?

Sometimes a tooth gets damaged beyond repair. If the cavity is large and has already reached beyond the gums, then a dentist cannot save your tooth. In this situation, extraction is the only option to save the adjoining teeth from getting infected. Again, if the tooth has suffered a severe fracture and is broken, an extraction is the only process left.

When can you opt for a Root Canal?

A root canal is a benefit for patients. Although time-consuming and expensive, this process is feasible for your mouth. It is an almost painless process and the root canal treatment saves the tooth.

What are the Risks of the Tooth Extraction Process?

The major risk involved in the tooth extraction process is infection. Once the tooth is extracted, a space is left in the mouth. This space will be a breeding ground for bacteria whenever you eat or drink. The infection will start spreading fast and affect the rest of the teeth. It becomes a chain process where the missing tooth raises complications for the adjoining ones. Moreover, the extraction process is painful and can lead to profuse bleeding. If you’re planning an extraction, your dentist will advise you to get medical tests done. You need to get your diabetes, blood pressure and heart rates under control to ensure that the process happens smoothly.

Why is a Root Canal a Better Option?

A root canal is a virtually pain-free process that helps save your natural tooth. After the treatment, crowns are fitted into the treated tooth, which makes it look visually appealing. You can prevent tooth loss, improve aesthetics, and prevent serious infections in the adjoining teeth. Unlike tooth extraction, tooth degeneration does not occur after a root canal. In the case of tooth extraction, with time, the condition of the tooth degenerates.

Book your appointment at Guildford Smiles. We offer a range of dental care services, from cosmetic dentistry to tooth whitening and Invisalign treatment. To know more, check our website. Book an appointment at your convenience.

Consider these Few Things Before Choosing Dentists in Camberley

dentist in Camberly

A dentist is a qualified and experienced personnel in the field of dentistry. Though most patients have a permanent dentist, there may be reasons to switch to a new one. Apart from getting personal treatment, a person can also get specialised dental treatments for their family members.

Finding a Dentist in Camberley:

Finding a well-experienced dentist at a location like Camberley is nothing short of a challenge. Surely you will find a number of professionals at your disposal, but selecting a dentist who matches all your requirements can be tough. To get ease in selecting the right Camberley dentist, you must consider a number of important factors.

How to Choose the Right Dentist in Camberley?

In the process of searching for a dentist, you must give importance to a few important considerations. We discuss these in this blog.

  • Experience: In any medical field, the practitioner’s experience is a valuable factor to look for. An experienced dentist can guarantee you quality dental care. They could handle complex dental issues with care and understand your problem in one visit. An experienced dentist would also provide the necessary care and attention to your family members according to their age and medical condition.
  • Procedures Offered: It is wrong to assume that all dentists offer the same kind of treatment. Like surgeons, dentists also have their own specialisation. Therefore, the dental service offered by one dentist may differ from another. However, even specialists have the ability to deal with basic dental situations. If you have a specific dental issue that needs special care, you may broaden your research and look for a specialist.
  • The Budget: The cost of treatment is a make-or-break factor in finding a dentist. It is a vital decision that you need to make to get specialised service from a professional. The complexity and usage of specialised tools may increase your budget concerns significantly. You must also remember that the cost of service of a general dentist varies a lot from a specialist.
  • Convenience: It is another important factor that you must keep in mind. This factor is directly linked to your planned budget. It will be better if you find a dentist that lives near your locality or a few blocks away. The proximity in location will prevent you from dreading going for a routine check-up. Additionally, you can contact the dentist and even reach their clinic in an emergency.
  • Reputation: It is one of the most vital aspects of finding a good dentist near you. Whether you find the dentist yourself or get referrals from friends and family, search for their reviews. You can find multiple platforms online to check the reviews posted by earlier clients. Checking online reviews also tells a lot about the personality and approach of the dentist towards the patient.

If you want service from a professional dentist in Camberley, you should consider contacting a professional source. Get in touch with Guildford Smiles, a well-known name in this field. Our team of expert Camberley dentists can treat your problems with care. You can regain your confidence and show your smile to the world. To learn more about us, you should visit our website today.